Implementing the Initiative of Enhancement of Students’ and Graduates’ Innovations, Tanta University Offers Fund for 19 Students’ Projects to Support Entrepreneurship

Implementing the Initiative of Enhancement of Students’ and Graduates’ Innovations, Tanta University Offers Fund for 19 Students’ Projects to Support Entrepreneurship

Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, Tanta University President, announces signing contracts to support the projects and innovations presented by university students under the umbrella of the initiative of enhancing students’ and recent graduates’ innovations. The projects will be funded by special economic centers and units. In addition, the initiative aims to support innovation and entrepreneurship of university students in coordination with the industrial sector coping with the goals of Egypt’s national sustainable strategy 2030 and the national strategy of higher education and scientific research.

   The contracts were signed by Prof. Mahmoud Selim, University Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, who declared that they were signed based on the instructions given by Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, University President, as for enhancement of innovation, entrepreneurship and creative scientific research. He indicated that the projects will be financed by self-resources of the university to change knowledge into economy through applied academic and research outputs that develop the local Egyptian economy.

    Moreover, University Vice President added that there were 27 presented projects in engineering, information, agricultural and scientific fields. They included artificial intelligence, green energy, smart cities, robotics, automatic control, and waste recycling. The judgement committee chose 19 projects that met the ratified standards according to the decisions of University Council.


12/15/2023 12:00:00 AM